The lack of construction and the lack of use of excavators make the construction convenient. The use of excavators is on land. It is necessary to clean them after use. Otherwise, the chassis of excavators will be very dirty, especially in rainy days. Of course, it is not only necessary to clean them, but also to maintain them after cleaning. In order to avoid partial rust or corrosion, Do you know that the shovel should be clean in rainy days? If you don't know, let's learn about the leasing situation of the excavator in the water. I hope you can take good care of the excavator so that it can be used better.
First of all, it is necessary to clean the excavator parts to avoid water. If any loose parts are found, they should be maintained in time. Do not put the excavator outside in rainy days. If the indoor space can be maintained, a mask can be used. In order to avoid more serious damage, it is necessary to check the firmness of some tanks to avoid the infiltration of rainwater due to the lack of tight box cover, This results in the normal operation of the excavator excavation method.
Then the excavator should also check the air filter. It is not only necessary to check and maintain it at ordinary times, but also necessary to check it in rainy days to avoid the damage caused by filter blockage. The engine oil should also be noted. Because the surface of the oil sealing ring can avoid the infiltration of rainwater and the wear of the sealing ring. In rainy days, the oil jacket can be covered with a layer of plastic bag, so it can effectively prevent the infiltration of rainwater.