The length of each manipulator has a certain curve.
(2) What are the requirements of grab operation structure? How stable is grab operation?
A: Under normal conditions, the front stability of grab is better than the side stability and the rear stability, that is, the front stability > the side stability > the rear stability. There is no need to choose the length of a leg. The larger the span, the better the stability; the smaller the span, the worse the stability. If you want to operate, you must take active measures to consolidate the sky before you can operate. Standard arm length should be widely used in grab operation.
(4) What is the characteristic curve of the initial component and how to select the characteristic curve of the component?
Answer: When handling heavy objects, the operation procedure of amplitude change or volume expansion is wrong; winding speed is too fast, amplitude change is large; over specification, over size, over momentum use, etc., are not necessary to enhance the stability of operation. When working in soft days, the expansion support force of cushion should be used. Therefore, the leg should be stretched thoroughly. When non-standard arm length operation is needed, the characteristic curve corresponding to the shortest standard arm length should be selected. Other related materials: bridge grab model, electric single girder bridge grab
Answer: Characteristic curves are usually based on three conditions: stability, structural strength and organizational strength.
(3) In lifting operation, which lines do not require grab stability?
Answer: The skew or loosening of the workplace can inflate the frame splint of the crane and improve its robustness. A large amount of investment should be made in the work not on the skewed road surface.
(1) How does the selection of lifting direction affect the stability of lifting operation?
2. 抓斗常识
2. Grab knowledge
(2) Check the DC relay of the motor, and then check the secondary circuit more easily. Does the small switch trip first? For example, there are problems with the start switch, the traveling switch of the warehouse door, etc.
(1) The zero switch is not in place. A fuse in the main circuit burned out. Main circuit contactor failure or coil burnout.
A: How many reasons are there?
1. 电源线没有接通的原因是什么?
1. What is the reason why the power line is not connected?
When lifting the front weight to one side, care should be taken to prevent unstable rollover.